KOTA KINABALU: DAP Sabah Deputy Chairman, Chan Foong Hin, who is the KK MP, should be defending Sabah rights, instead of defending his Malaya bosses for making yet another religious argument.
Sabah DAP remains obsessed with sensationalising religious issues in opposition to PAS, completely detached from the real needs of the people of Sabah, and ignoring the issues that truly matter: autonomy. Is DAP trying to stir up religious issues in order to divert attention from its failures to keep its promises on lower fuel prices, abolition of PTPTN student loans?
Based in Malaya, DAP has been completely silent on the issues of Sabah’s autonomy, even withdrawing their own lawsuit against the federal government and halting efforts to fight for Sabah’s 40% revenue entitlement. This evidence shows Sabah DAP has done nothing to address the genuine concerns of Sabah people.
The people of Sabah are fully aware of their needs: fighting for greater autonomy (religious freedom is an inherent part of that), fair resource allocation, and a stronger voice in the federal government. Sabah DAP, however, has remained silent on these core issues, instead trying to portray itself as a “guardian against PAS” in order to mislead Sabahans against its Malaya foe.DAP is becoming irrelevant to the struggle for Sabah’s rights.
The future of Sabah should be mandated to local parties that genuinely care about local autonomy and are committed to the development and well-being of Sabah, protecting its dignity.
Gee Tien Siong,
Vice president, Sabah Progressive Party