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SAPP grateful for Chief Minister on Sabah Day recognition

1. SAPP welcomes with gratitude the Chief Minister’s announcement for the Government of Sabah through the Cabinet meeting to celebrate Sabah Day for the first time to commemorate Sabah’s independence from British rule 60 years ago, on 31 August 1963.

2. The CM announcement shows that the GRS Government cares about the instincts and desires of the Sabahan in accordance with the slogan Sabah First .

3. After several years of struggle, this news certainly gives joy and relief to SAPP, STAR and all Sabah Day fighters.

4. This announcement opens a new page of history for Sabahans because many Sabahans and Malaysians do not know the history of 1957 and 1963

5. Sabahans should celebrate Sabah Day on August 31 because previously August 31 was always intended to commemorate Malaya’s Independence Day in 1957. On the Sabah Day celebration, Sabahans should fly the Sabah flag.

6. SAPP sincerely hopes that the celebration of the festival will continue every year.

It need to be properly and officially recognised, so that the people of Sabah will have more awareness about our important history.

7. In addition to celebrating , SAPP, is confident that one day Sabah Day will be gazetted so that history will be more engraved in the hearts and souls of the people of Sabah.

Japiril Suhaimin

SAPP Deputy President / Treasurer