Sabah Road Transport Department (JPJ) welcomed the proposal of putting up ads on school buses, to help operators to have another source of income, said the Director Dato Abdul Rahman Mohd Zakaria.
After a meeting with Gee Tien Siong, Luyang Community Development Leader (PPM), Abdul Rahman requested a sample to be submitted for review, and once it fulfils the set criteria, will be a standard which is applicable to all school bus ads.
There is already a set of rules and regulations that applies to advertising on school buses and taxis, explained Mohammad Rashid Bin Ibrahim, the engineering chief of Sabah JPJ.
“Advertisement stickers cannot cover more than 40% of the vehicle’s body, and are strictly prohibited on windshield.
“Meanwhile, the ads must be filtered for any sensitive content,” said Mohammad.
Gee had a courtesy call to Abdul Rahman pertaining the proposal, in view of the hardship suffered by school bus operators in post-Covid new norm, while parents choose to send their kids to school with private cars due to worry of infection.
“School bus operators can hardly increase their ridership while covering their daily routine, hopefully they may earn some extra income from advertising,” said Gee.