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SAPP Held Delegates Conference via Video Conference

KOTA KINABALU, 15 June 2021

The 2020 Biennial Delegates Conference was successfully held via Video Conferencing Tuesday, June 15 today. There were 242 delegates and 23 observers who participated at various locations in Sabah, in full compliance with the Covid-19 SOP.

Its organizing chairman Japiril Suhaimin said the conference, first scheduled for 27 November, 2020 had to be postponed to 27 December, 2020 but was further postponed to 5 June, 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and MCO restrictions. The party then decided to organise the virtual conferencing employing information technology on 15 June based on the strict compliance of the SOP.

In compliance with Societies Act and SAPP Constitution, the agenda, minutes and reports were sent to the delegates before the video conference.

The 2 hours Conference discussed on the adoption of the 2018 Delagates Conference minutes, the Secretary General and Treasurer reports, as well as the lively debate on the Party president’s policy speech.

The Permanent Chairman Datuk Eric Majimbun assisted by deputies Ms Maria Nobleza and Mr Foo Fook Ming conducted the conference at Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) headquarters in Likas, KK.

The party president expressed his appreciation on the cooperation and enthusiasm of members in making the much delayed conference a success.

“The conference marks the first time that we meet ever since the party returned as a ruling party in a newly formed coalition government called Gabungan Rakyat Sabah. GRS, of which SAPP is a founder member, had won the Sabah elections and formed the Sabah government on September 29 last year. Prior to that, on 29 August, SAPP was accepted as a member of the national coalition, the Perikatan Nasional,” said Japiril.

By Japiril Suhaiman
Organizing Chairman